Black Swans
8 osób
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    Fenris alarion Endo kakaa lempartus WrednaMenda
    Fenris Omega Golber WrednaMenda lempartus kakaa Endo alarion

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Black Swans

Nasz Klan " Black Swans został założony ponad 3 lata temu w grze Lineage 2. Większość z nas ma ponad 10 letnie doświadczenie w grach MMO ( w większości w l2). Dla nas jako weteranów nie ma nic ważniejszego niż PvP, dlatego jesteśmy tak zauroczeni ArcheAge. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[English version]]: Our clan "Black Swans" has been created 3 years ago in the game: Lineage 2(L2). Most of us have around 10 years of experience in MMO games (mostly in L2). As for veteran players, there isn't anything more important than PvP and thats why we are so charmed with ArcheAge!

Farming in ArcheAge is fundamental to earning gold and crafting the most desirable items in the game. For some it may appear to be overwhelming because there are so many different crops, saplings and animals that you can have but you only have a small space in which to place... czytaj dalej
Let's Fight Them All !
  Nasze pierwsze większe PvP na serwerze beta! Our fist big fight at beta server!